Yarrgh, ye scurvy dog!
Pirate booty! Pirate merchandise for sale

ARRRRtichoke White T

On March 19, 2005, barnacle bitten Cap'n Karikas said:
What has 8 legs, 8 arms and 8 eyes?
8 pirates.
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
On March 19, 2005, barnacle bitten Cap'n Karikas said:
How do you keep a pirate from robbing your house?
Fill you lawn with beavers!
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
On March 19, 2005, scurvy knave Cap'n Karikas said:
What does a pirate say when he really likes a song?
ARRRGH that was off the hook!
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
On March 19, 2005, the scurvy Cap'n Karikas said:
After a pirate's parrot dies, what does he do with it?
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