Yarrgh, ye scurvy dog!
Pirate booty! Pirate merchandise for sale

ARRRRtichoke White T

On June 18, 2007, one-legged Steph said:
What's funny about a black pirate?
Nothing, ye scurvy racist!
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On September 15, 2007, captain Marc Whitcombe said:
Why do pirates always bury their treasure 18 inches below the ground?
Because booty is only shin deep!
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From: Told to me
On April 5, 2010, the grog-addicted Redbeard said:
What be having 8 eyes and 8 legs?
I say nay, it not be a spider... but it be eight pirates! Aarrr!!!!
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From: A pirate
On June 23, 2009, land-lubber Anonymous Pirate said:
What does a pirate call his friends in the military?
"Arrrrrrrr me" maties!!!
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On April 9, 2011, one-eyed zyla said:
Why did the pirate buy an eyepatch?
Because he didn't have enough money for an iPad!!!
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From: A friend
On March 15, 2006, the scurvy Cap'n Karikas (Danise in Florida) said:
A pirate captain walks into a bar with his first mate and they sit down at the bar. Now, the pirate captain has been a little down on his luck in the world of women, know what I mean? His first mate notices some lovely piratical wenches across the bar.

"Arr, cap'n, you should go o'er thar and talk to her, ask her to dance, aye?"

The captain replied "Arrrr, but what about me one eye? What if she makes fun of it?"

"Don't worry cap'n," said the first mate. "She only has one leg! She won't say anything with that one peg leg."

Convinced, the captain went over and immediately impressed the lady as pirates will do. He asked her if she'd like to dance.

"Would EYE, Would EYE!" she exclaimed.

"Oh yeah? Well... Peg Leg! Peg Leg!" replied the insulted captain!
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From: www.oxfordrealty.com
On March 20, 2005, the grog-addicted Cap'n Karikas said:
What’s a pirate always looking for, even though it’s right behind him?
His booty!
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On August 17, 2007, salty ol' roxanne said:
What's a pirates favorite thing to do with his wife?
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From: meself
On April 28, 2006, chumbucket lickin' DA Kommisssar said:
What do you call a good looking pirate girl?
Aye Candy!
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From: My own twisted mind
On February 15, 2013, chumbucket lickin' mike p said:
How does a pirate clean his ship?
He has a Yarrrrrrrrd sale!
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From: mike p
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