Yarrgh, ye scurvy dog!
Pirate booty! Pirate merchandise for sale

Crabby Pirate Fitted T-Shirt

On May 14, 2006, land-lubber Pirate Steve said:
Why did the cabin boy walk the plank?
Because he was a slackAAARRRRRR!
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From: Pirate Steve
On December 18, 2005, the dreaded Cap'n Karikas said:
What did the hippie pirate need?
A Harrrrrrrrrrcut!
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From: Meself
On March 24, 2005, one-eyed Cap'n Karikas said:
Who will pirates in California vote for in the race for governor?
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On September 20, 2006, chumbucket lickin' Captain Greedle said:
What cell phone service did the pirate use?
He used to use Cingulaaaaarr. But they overchaarrrrrged him. So he switched to Vaaarizon!
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
From: From me head!
On April 11, 2007, scurvy dog Parrot said:
What electronic music do pirates listen to?
Rum n' Bass!
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From: The Turnpike Cracker Pirates
On May 24, 2007, captain jeremy said:
What happened to the pirate who fell in love with a girl?
They had an ARRrrrrrr rated affair!
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From: me
On June 23, 2006, one-legged Sandra Caan said:
What kind of spice does a pirate like to put in his food?
Chilli peppARRRrrrrs!
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
From: I made it up
On August 21, 2006, scurvy knave Aaron Kozloff said:
Whats a pirate's favorite cereal?
Captain CAARRRRrrrrgh-unch!
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From: Me and a friend
On September 14, 2006, one-eyed Bonney Cap'n Iron Pants Micah said:
What is a pirate's favorite geological land mass?
An ARRRRchapelago!
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From: your mom
On June 12, 2006, the dreaded Terri Enriquez said:
Why did the pirate like Noah?
Because he built an AARRRRrrrk!
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
From: My head
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