Yarrgh, but I already talk like a pirate!
Posted by Captain Karikas on September 16, 2008 at 04:17 PMGather 'round, mates! Talk Like A Pirate Day is upon us this fine Friday, September the 19th of 2008. While there be plenty of possibilities for each of us pirates that day, I heartily recommend swilling your grog and... talking like a pirate! Anywhere you go, bring your pirattitude. And for you land-lubbers, brush up on your piratese here.
Tharrrr be plenty of events happening this year for Talk Like A Pirate Day! Shine up yer hook and pull ashore for these:
- London: Bring Pirates Party, by Bring Stuff and Monkey Giacomo.
- Ourrrrrrggghh patron pirate saints, Cap'n Slappy and Ol' Chumbucket, will be in Philadelphia this year for TLAPDay. This be ground zero for ye true holiday fans, yarrrgh.
- New Yorkers be scrubbin' barnacles at the Boat Basin!
- The Portland Pirate Festival be a day late (20th and 21st), but mighty fun and scurvy-free this year!
Be there an event you'd like to tell us pirates about? Leave a comment ye salty dog! Parrrrrticularrrly if it's on the freshwater shores of Chicago, for poor pirate JT.
As for me, I may drop anchor at ye old Jolly Roger Taproom - Seattle's premier pirate establishment!
For this year leave ye with the best pirate joke I've heard in some time, by rum-lovin' Ryan Huber: Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet? Find out here if ye dare!
7 responses to "Yarrgh, but I already talk like a pirate!"
My rhetorical cutlass
Shall bite yer buttocks
Where be your Polly?
Provisions plundered, ah me.
Parrot stew tonight.
i have a website www.adiprebhu.wordpress.com
We has photo's if yer wants ter see em' - yer will have ter sail ter me website above to take a goosey gander. Savvy?
Monkey Giacomo
beware the witch...
be she blessed....