There be shirt photos!
Posted by Captain Karikas on February 24, 2008 at 02:43 AMAvast thar! The saucy pirate lass Sara Roolf recently 'hooked' me up with new photos for some of our PirateJokes.net shirts! A thousand thank yous to Sarrrrrrrra, of SaraRoolf.com, and me crew of Seattle's scurviest shirt models:
- "ARRRRrrrrgh, Me Hearties!" Alice
- One-eyed Piper
- Scurvy Sara
- Cap'n Karikas himself
3 responses to "There be shirt photos!"
On May 06, 2008 at 02:28 PM, steveo spoketh:
i like rum
On June 26, 2008 at 02:39 AM, Kaiël spoketh:
ARR i like me some good Rum as well
On June 26, 2008 at 01:36 PM, Barry spoketh:
Dear Old Chumbucket,
I just watched you lose on Jeopardy. I had mixed emotions while watching Jeopardy today, I usually root for the contestant with the biggest hooters, and she did win today, but I hated to see you lose. Better luck next time, Barry
I just watched you lose on Jeopardy. I had mixed emotions while watching Jeopardy today, I usually root for the contestant with the biggest hooters, and she did win today, but I hated to see you lose. Better luck next time, Barry