Yarrgh, ye scurvy dog!
Pirate booty! Pirate merchandise for sale

Crabby Pirate Fitted T-Shirt

On September 19, 2011, one-eyed Jason Rrrrr Everitt said:
Who cleans the Pirate Captain's bedroom?
A Mer-Maid!
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From: Yep, it's me
On May 31, 2005, the sea-bitten Cap'n Karikas said:
Two pirate ships were crossing the ocean, one with a booty of red paint and one with a blue paint. What happened when the ships collided?
They were marooned!
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From: The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists: A Novel by Gideon Defoe
On December 28, 2010, scurvy knave Ashly Star and Uncle Bear said:
What else is a pirate's favorite hobby?
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On March 20, 2005, one-legged Cap'n Karikas said:
Why did the pirate go on vacation?
He needed some AARRRRGGH and AARRRRGGH!
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On February 15, 2007, scurvy dog Johnny S said:
What did the doctor say to the pirate?
Open up and say "Arrrrr!!"
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From: Perth, Australia
On March 24, 2005, scurvy dog Cap'n Karikas said:
I don't know if you guys have heard about this new Pirate corn they've got now.
I guess it's going to be like a buck an ear.
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On September 14, 2014, seven sea sailin' Jeff said:
What does a pirate use to find out what month it is?
His calendARRRRRRRRRRR!!! It be Talk Like a Pirate Day ON SEPTEMBER 19TH MATEYS!!! ARRRRRRRRR!!!!
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On March 30, 2007, barnacle bitten Kaptain Kross said:
So this pirate walks into a bar and sits next to a drunken wench.

The wench looks him over and says, "Nice pirate outfit. Where'd you get your earrings?"

The pirate says, "Arr, I bought one from the dollar store on the other side of town and I got the other from the dollar store across the street."

So the wench exclaims, "Wow! Not bad for a buck-an-ear!"
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From: Heard it from a friend radio announcer.
On April 22, 2012, one-legged Scottish Bob Below Decks said:
A pirate walks into the bar and orders a jug o' grog. Bartender says, "Hey Cap'n, why are ye wearing an eye patch?"
Cap'n says: "Cuz I haven't got enough booty to afford an I-Pad!"
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From: Original
On April 21, 2009, land-lubber Buck said:
Why don't pirates eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?
Because they can't open the JAAAAAARGH!!!
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