Yarrgh, ye scurvy dog!
Pirate booty! Pirate merchandise for sale

Wee Pirate Skull - Adults Dark T-Shirt

On March 12, 2006, seven sea sailin' Trevor said:
Who's a pirate's favorite golfer?
TiGARRR! Why? Because he is always under pARRR!!
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On December 23, 2009, scurvy dog Spencer Prentice said:
A pirate is standing in the paper goods aisle of his local grocery store. He's been standing there looking for 30 minutes when the manager comes up and asks, "You have been here for quite awhile sir. Can I help you find something?"

The Pirate turns and says "No matey, I just can't decide between the Bounty or the CHARRRRRRRRmin!"
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From: I made it up myself, sARRRY to say.
On September 19, 2005, chumbucket lickin' Cap'n Karikas said:
What did Black Beard say to his men before they got on the ship?
Let's get on the ship, men!
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On March 26, 2005, the grog-addicted Cap'n Karikas said:
What did the Pirate get for Christmas?
A p-arrrrrrrrrrrrtridge in a pear tree!
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On March 19, 2005, regular scallywag Cap'n Karikas said:
After a pirate's parrot dies, what does he do with it?
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On September 12, 2008, barnacle bitten Benni hanna said:
What do pirates drive when they go to port?
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From: my mind
On August 13, 2005, chumbucket lickin' Cap'n Karikas said:
Why did the pirate speak so clearly?
He was very ARRRRrrrrrticulate!
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From: Me noggin'
On December 18, 2005, the sea-bitten Cap'n Karikas said:
How do pirates navigate their ships?
They observe the starrrrrrrs!
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On May 16, 2006, salty ol' relientkbluchic said:
What is a pirate's least favorite veggie?
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From: Me
On November 8, 2006, chumbucket lickin' Doug Price said:
What is a pirate's favorite hobby?
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