Yarrgh, ye scurvy dog!
Pirate booty! Pirate merchandise for sale

Wee Pirate Skull - Adults Jr. Spaghetti Tank

On March 12, 2011, one-legged Austin's rockin' RealtorŪ said:
What's a pirates favorite thing to do with a cell phone?
Scan Q-ARRRR codes!
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
From: my tiny brain
On December 18, 2005, salty ol' Cap'n Karikas said:
What is a pirate's favorite game?
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On December 18, 2005, seven sea sailin' Cap'n Karikas said:
When do pirates prefer to attack?
In the darrrrrrk!
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
On December 18, 2005, salty ol' Cap'n Karikas said:
What do pirates get on their pizzas?
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
On September 19, 2008, seven sea sailin' evadarrh said:
What principle of physics does a pyrate keep in mind while transferring the ill gotten gains from the plundered ship to his own?
Arrrrrrchimedes principle!

(You should have learned this in your 7th grade physical science class.)
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From: me cranium
On March 19, 2005, the dreaded Cap'n Karikas said:
What do nerd pirates do in high school?
They run the video projectaaaaaaaaar.
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
Why did the two pirate captains have a fight?
Because they're ARRRrrrch enemies!
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
From: From me brain me hearties!!!!!
On December 23, 2008, the sea-bitten Toby said:
What type of vehicle do pirates use to transport goods whilst on land?
An Arrrrrrrrrrticulated Lorry!
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On August 24, 2007, captain Anonymous Pirate said:
Why couldn't the pirate make the gymnastics team?
Because he couldn't do a CAAAAAAARRRGGGHT-wheel!
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On July 13, 2006, captain Ross Ibrossco@hotmail.com said:
Did hear about the Pirate that went to University?
Yep, he was studying Arghhhh-chitecture!
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
From: Made it up myself :D I'm an architecture student.
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