Yarrgh, ye scurvy dog!
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On May 11, 2006, salty ol' Captain Karikas said:
Why do pirates always have a bar of soap tied to them?
So when they are shipwrecked they can wash themselves ashore!
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On May 11, 2006, scurvy dog Captain Karikas said:
Why didn't the Pirate have any jelly on his PB&J?
He couldn't open the jARRR!!!
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On May 11, 2006, chumbucket lickin' Captain Karikas said:
Why did the pirate fail the test?
It was too harrrrrrrrrrd!
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On May 11, 2006, salty ol' Captain Karikas said:
Why couldn't the pirate park in the parking lot?
There were too many cARRRs!
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On May 11, 2006, chumbucket lickin' Captain Karikas said:
How do pirates know what day it is?
They look on their calendARRRRgghh!!!
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