Yarrgh, ye scurvy dog!
Pirate booty! Pirate merchandise for sale

Wee Pirate Skull - Adults Dark T-Shirt

On March 26, 2007, the sea-bitten Bruce Farrar said:
What do you get when you cross a pirate with a librarian?
Cap'n Book!
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From: I had too much coffee this morning
On March 26, 2007, regular scallywag al man wilson said:
Why was the pirate late for the weekly raid?
He was in the cARRRRR accident!
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On March 26, 2007, the scurvy Capt. B said:
How does a pirate with two hooks scratch his nose?
Verrrry Carefully! YARRR!!
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From: Capt. B of the O'Hara Cache Crew
On March 25, 2007, land-lubber Eve said:
What does a pirate say to his dog when it's time to go for a walk?
Arrrgh, it's time to walk the plank ye sea dog!
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From: imagination
On March 23, 2007, salty ol' Diane said:
What did the pirate use to clean his car?
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From: Pirate Friend