Yarrgh, ye scurvy dog!
Pirate booty! Pirate merchandise for sale

Crabby Pirate Women's Long Sleeve Dark T-Shirt

On November 3, 2006, one-legged cy said:
What's the smelliest part of a pirate ship?
The poop deck!
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
On November 2, 2006, chumbucket lickin' JACK SPARROW said:
What did the pirate ride to work?
A seahorse!!
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
From: Me mind
On October 31, 2006, the dreaded Wiggy said:
Why do pirates like treasure?
Because it spARRRkles!
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From: My sick, twisted pirate mind!
On October 31, 2006, the sea-bitten jessereno said:
How do pirates in New York City get home?
They take the AARRRR train!
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From: my own
On October 28, 2006, the dreaded Justin Taylor Landis said:
What does a pirate's dog say?
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From: Me Pops