Yarrgh, ye scurvy dog!
Pirate booty! Pirate merchandise for sale

Crabby Pirate Jr. Ringer T-Shirt

On May 14, 2008, seven sea sailin' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said:
What happened to the people who wrote the lame pirate ARRRRrrrrgh jokes?
They got HOOKED!!!
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
From: ????????????
On May 10, 2008, land-lubber Jay Lee said:
Where do pirates shop for their clothes?
The Salvation ARRmy!!!
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
From: Me
On April 21, 2008, the grog-addicted Allison Fleischhauer said:
What did the pirate do on his vacation to the mountains?
He stood on top of a mountain and said, "Yarrrrghalayyheeeeehooo!!!!"
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
From: Original
On April 9, 2008, chumbucket lickin' Joseph said:
What do Mexican pirates eat?
Chili con cAAAARRRRrne!!!!
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Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
On April 4, 2008, scurvy dog Bloody Nuala said:
What is the greatest pirate college rock band?
Arrr. E. M.
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From: I thought it up, scurvy dog!